A minimalist Christmas at work


As we move into the Christmas season preparing in a simple way can be the difference between enjoying it and dread. Here’s some top tips to apply a minimalist approach to your pre-Christmas period at work.

5 tips for a minimalist Christmas at work

1. Only go the the social events you want to

There can be a lot of pressure to go to endless Christmas events with your family and friends as well as your colleagues. If socialising with your work team is one thing too many in your calendar, it’s completely OK to say no and you don’t need to justify that.

2. Suggest a conscious, minimalist Christmas

Why not suggest an eco-friendly Christmas gift swap if you usually have a Secret Santa. Instead of buying and giving silly gifts which will just end up in landfill, why not all bring a book you’ve read wrapped as a surprise read? The books can be handed on again once the recipient has finished with them or donated to charity.

3. Remember January is only a few days away

Be realistic about what you can achieve before the break. If you can’t do everything, push those things that are less urgent back until January – it’s really not that far away.

4. Take advantage of noone else being in #1

There are very few people in over the festive period in many organisations. This means that unlike other holidays you aren’t likely to come back to an inbox as overstuffed as the turkey. So, if you don’t get to the bottom of it, don’t worry there will be time in the New Year while people get going again.

5. Take advantage of noone else being in #2

What a great time of the year to have a massive declutter of your workspace and your digital stuff. Get those files in order, simplify to only what you need to keep, clear out your emails and start the New Year embracing simplicity.

A minimalist Christmas runup

Most importantly remember to enjoy it. Take a moment to appreciate the funny jumpers, the sparkling lights and the buzz of anticipation. Minimalism is about so much more than decluttering – it’s about being present in the moment, enjoying experiences over stuff and being intentional about where you invest your time, energy and money.

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