Declutter your headspace


Why do you need to declutter your headspace? When you think about decluttering, you probably envision bin bags full of stuff for the charity shop and a tip run. But, decluttering your headspace can be even more powerful, especially in your work life.

What do I mean by decluttering your headspace? Well, when you have a lot of things whirring through your mind it’s really hard to concentrate on any one of them. When you’re worried about something or feel overwhelmed it can make focused productivity almost impossible. And, focus is absolutely key to not only reaching your goals, but in doing so in a way that gives you personal fulfilment.

So what can you do to declutter your headspace? Try some of the ideas below.

5 ways to declutter your headspace

1. Declutter your physical space and your inbox.

You can read more detail about how to declutter your inbox and declutter your workspace. These steps help you to have clarity over everything you have in your work world and to have slimmed it down to those items which you need to give focus to.

2. Keep an ongoing log of everything which needs your attention or is a task you must do.

I personally love Microsoft To Do for this. But, there are loads of options for you both electronic and manual. I love that it collects together everything I’ve flagged whether it’s an email, a meeting action in one note, a planner task or something that I’ve added manually. It also enables recurring tasks to be set up to help me build good habits. I set up lists for particular projects or larger pieces of work to break them down into simpler tasks. For my home tasks I use the Apple reminders app. Having it all written down removes the mental need to remember, clearing that corner of my mind and I know it’s all in one place.

3. Try a three item To Do List

This is a tried and tested way to remove clutter from your head. I set dates on any tasks in my long list which have a set date they need to be done on. I try not to use the due date, but the date I plan to do the work (ideally a few days before so I have some flexibility) or I break down into smaller tasks with a sequence of dates. Then each day choose the three most important things on your list – starting with those you’ve planned in already. Having only three to focus on helps remove distractions. If you finish these three, choose the next three and so on. It means you’re prioritising on importance and urgency as a matter of course.

You know if you achieve these three, you’ll have done the most important things and your day will have been productive. Some days you might get through loads, others you day will mean you only get through these three. Both are positive outcomes for the day.

4. Recognise and record

We all have thoughts that come into our heads which can distract us from the task we’re trying to focus on. The best way to deal with this is to recognise the thought and record it to come back to later. This could be as simple as adding a task to your long list or jotting down the thought on a bit of paper. Once it’s out you know you can come back to it when you have the time and can get back to focusing on your current task. We can let things go out of our minds much more effectively when we know they aren’t lost forever.

5. Give your brain a break

Mindfulness has developed into something which can be as simple or as complex as you like. But, giving your brain the chance to rest and reset throughout the day makes a huge difference. It could be as simple as taking a minute to close your eyes and just focus on your breathing, noticing but not controlling your breath. You might find something more active better for you – standing up and stretching or taking a short walk. If you can step outside that can make all the difference. How often you need to do this is a very personal thing (and can depend on your specific day, how you’ve slept, the complexity of the task, or any number of other things).

All of these ideas help you to declutter your headspace and streamline your thinking. Give yourself space to really focus and be present in whatever you’re doing. Why not try a few?

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