Decluttering your workspace


Minimalism has a lot of positives to bring to your work life, and decluttering your workspace is a great way to start. Not only does it bring an aesthetic which looks professional, but it has the potential to make you more focused and efficient. Since covid, many of us are now working from home some or all of the time and the days of a personal desk space are likely to be long gone. This gives us the chance to take control of our work environments. Decluttering your workspaces is a great way to start.

Embrace hot desking

Hot desking was definitely a dirty word back in the late 2010s. I vividly remember the outrage from colleagues when we moved to hot desking from having our own allocated desks. They felt one of their benefits were being stripped away, but actually it was a gift. Like any change, it can be hard to embrace it but even if actually using the exact same space every day, a hot desking mindset can be helpful.

Most people working in an office are likely to now be hot desking at least some of the time. By its very nature this leads to natural decluttering of your workspace. Back when I had my own desk in the office I had a myriad of stuff on it. From an array of different teabags to photos of my kids, from funny gifts to awards. Did I need any of it? No. Did it make me more easily distracted? Absolutely.

Suddenly, when you have to carry everything you need into work each day, the value of those items needs to stack up. You only need the things you are actually going to use and are worth the extra weight. Even if you have a locker, you still need to pack it all up and put it away each time. Think about the time and effort your extra stuff is costing you. So why not go through everything you are currently carrying to and fro and ask yourself if you really need it. Your back will thank you.

Decluttering your home workspace

Depending on your home working arrangement you might work in a hot desking kind of way at home. If you set up and clear away your workspace in a multi-use space like a dining table you’ll no doubt have slimmed things down. If you have a defined work area, take a look at it. Have you replicated the clutter of an allocated office desk in your own home? If you have, maybe it’s time to declutter your home workspace.

How does it feel when you look at your space? You are aiming to feel calm and in control. That can be difficult with piles of papers, used coffee cups or to do lists all over your desk. Even desk tidies can just encourage clutter – it’s the junk drawer of the work world!

Think about what you need to actually have out on your desk. For me it’s my laptop, my second monitor, my keyboard and mouse. I also have a coaster for a drink and cradles for my phones. Everything else is put away in drawers. I can easily find a pen and paper if I need it, but I don’t use them every day so I put them away when not in use. Try to remove anything you don’t really need and make sure everything that remains has a defined home. Making it much easier to put your hands on anything you need straight away and less time will be spent hunting for items.

Improving your focus and productivity

Like with managing your inbox, it can be overwhelming to see piles of jobs or a never ending to-do list. You can improve your productivity by starting each day clear. A clear space helps you make prioritisation calls based on what’s important to you. You aren’t being dragged from productivity to busyness by clutter. Think of clutter in your workspace in the same way as notifications – constantly trying to get your attention and make you switch task. You can focus much better and will be more productive if you are able to quieten these distractions.

It can also help to mark the beginning and the end of your day and enable you to switch off properly. By removing all the clutter noise, you can put work away at the end of the day. And, starting each day with a clear desk helps begin the day on the right foot, not immediately bombarded.

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