Quitting isn’t a dirty word

We are inundated with messages telling us we should stop quitting. If we just keep on keeping on we’re doing the best we can and we’ll succeed eventually. And whilst there is some truth in perseverance helping you achieve your goals, quitting can also bring massive benefits.

Knowing when to quit

We’ve all been there, continuing to do something we no longer enjoy and no longer adds value because we don’t think we should quit. It could be:

  • a hobby or class you no longer enjoy
  • a relationship which isn’t working for you anymore
  • a regular social event you dread
  • a job where you aren’t valued

Resolutely continuing with these because ‘quitting’ is considered a bad thing just means you are spending your time, energy and resources on something which is bringing you no value. And it also means that time, energy and resource isn’t available to do the things that really matter.

Why don’t we quit?

We are so often held back by negative self-talk. We don’t quit because we think we’ll be letting people down or people will think we aren’t resilient. But in reality, the only person you are letting down is yourself. And that is by not quitting something so you have a more fulfilling life.

When it comes to jobs, resilience is often quoted as a really important skill. And it is.

Resilience is…the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness

Oxford Languages

That means being able to bounce back from setbacks and moving on from challenges quickly and positively. Resilience is not withstanding enduring misery in a job. It is not putting up with being treated poorly or disrespected. And it’s not about continuing to do something regardless of whether or not it still serves a purpose.

Positive quitting

Positive quitting is making intentional choices about the things which no longer serve you. It is about stopping spending your energy, time and resources on the things which don’t matter , so you can focus on the things that do.

You might be quitting to give you space to find the next thing, or even just simplifying your life so you have more time to just be. If you realise it’s time to quit. Just do it. Find that next role and move on, or cancel that class you no longer want to go to. Take control of where and how you spend your life. Why not start by thinking about what your values are and what success would look like to you.

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